"They can kill you, but the legalities of eating you are quite a bit dicier"

01 March 2013


Felt like it was time to give the blog a good scrubbing and face lift. Time for something warmer. Except the cool fonts I picked in blogspot's create-a-blog-o-page thing are showing up as very uncool fonts for a split second before reverting to the right ones. It kind of looks like it's making the post titles Comic Sans, which...jesus. No idea why it's doing that, or if I care enough to try to sort it out. But, Comic Sans...oof.

So, let's forget about it and listen to a song:

[update!]: the quick wrong font doesn't look like comic sans on all web browsers, apparently just on my dumb work PC. Haven't figured out what the deal is, but I have discovered that I don't care, for now. This has been Melvin Ralsh with a worthless UPDATE. But here's another great song:


  1. Facelift or rhytidectomy is a surgical procedure to eliminate the sagging, drooping, and wrinkled appearance of the face and neck. Facial fat is reduced and redistributed, facial muscles and tissue are tightened and repositioned, and excess skin is redraped and reduced.

  2. yep...that's exactly what the words means. you win!

  3. Good post. Thanks for sharing. I really think that it can be overwhelming to find the right clinic to get a facelift since there are a variety of procedures, as well as the number of clinics that offer this type of surgery. It's very hard to tell which one is a good clinic just by the advertisements and claims. One good site i found Facelift Philippines is this link.
