There's a strange portion of my brain that doesn't really care about anything and has been calling this thing "Danny hates U2, but still hasn't found what he's looking for," which yes I know is kind of a remarkably stupid title but, hey, welcome to my world.
So anyway, this is part of something much larger I've been working on for a while now, and if all the planets and moons line up with my motivation level, and if Nintendo would stop putting out such entertaining little gems for the 10-year-old trapped inside me (ie. Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Metroid: Other M in a month or so), I might just one day finish the damn thing.
[That fractal art up there is by artist magnusti78 over at DeviantArt, who's stuff you should really seriously check out because it's incredible. And hopefully magnusti78 doesn't mind too much that I've posted it here, but if for some reason you, magnusti78, somehow stumble upon this page and you're pissed just post me a little comment and I'll take it down. Promise.]